Ph.D.Theses available in IITM Library
updated as on 24 January 2025
Click here to view ongoing Ph.D. Details
Sr.No. | Acc.No. | Authors/ Researchers | Titles | University | Guide /Co-Guide | Year Awarded |
256 | T-293 | Biswas Mringanka | Study of Oxygenated Volatile Organic Compounds (OVOCs) over India: geographical distribution and atmospheric impacts | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune | Mahajan Anoop | December 2024 |
255 | T-292 | Gupta Smrati | Examining the interplay among greenhouse gases, climatic parameters, and the terrestrial biosphere in India | Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi | Tiwari Yogesh, Raghubanshi Akhilesh |
December 2024 |
254 | T-291 | Mali Prithviraj | Retrieval of aerosol and trace gas vertical profiles using multi-axis differential optical absorption spectroscopy (MAX-DOAS) observations | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune | Mahajan Anoop | November 2024 |
253 | T-290 | Goswami Mangesh | Observation and Modelling Studies of Soil Water Dynamics for hydrological applications in the Indian regions | Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon | Patil S.N., Mujumdar Milind, Krishnan R. |
August 2024 |
252 | T-289 | Rongmie Emmanuel | Investigation of Physical Processes Leading to the Genesis of Tropical Cyclones over the North Indian Ocean | Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon | Ingle S.T., Deshpande Medha |
August 2024 |
251 | T-288 | Gade Sagar | Impact of coupled ocea-atmosheric data assimilation on seasonal prediction of monsoon | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune | Pentakota Sreenivas, Rao Suryachandra A. |
June 2024 |
250 | T-287 | Prajeesh A.G. | Indian ocean dipole variations in a warning climate and associated linkages to monsoon and marine primary productivity | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune |
Krishnan R., |
March 2024 |
249 | T-286 | Chaluvadi Roja | Variability of large-scale circulation over the Indo-Pacific region and its relation with south Asian monsoon under changing climate | Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon |
Ingle S.T., |
June 2024 |
248 | T-285 | Metya Abirlal | Source-sink characterization of carbon dioxide and methane in urban and natural environments of India based on their concentration and isotopic time series | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune |
Chakraborty S., |
April 2024 |
247 | T-284 | Debnath Sreyashi | Understanding atmospheric chemistry-climate interaction over the Indian-subcontinent | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune | Ghude Sachin | April 2024 |
246 | T-283 | Modi Aditi | Understanding Biophysical Interactions over the Tropical Indian Ocean in a Changing Climate | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai | Ghosh Subimal, Koll Roxy M. |
April 2024 |
245 | T-282 | Pradhan Maheswar | Improving Air-Sea Interaction in Couples Models | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai | Balasubramanian Sridhar, Bhattacharya Amitabh, Rao Suryachandra A. |
February 2024 |
244 | T-281 | Lekshmi Mudra B. | Monsoon prediction response over the Indus Valley to mid-Holocene forcing | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune | Sabin T.P., Krishnan R. |
December 2023 |
243 | T-280 | Nimmya S.S. | Process Modeling of stable water isotopes during Indian summer monsoon in connection to paleoclimate interpretation | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune | Sengupta Saikat | December 2023 |
242 | T-279 | Singh Bhupendra Bahadur | Investigations of Asian summer monsoonal links to water vapor variability in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere | Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi |
Srivastava Manoj K.,
Krishnan R.,
Vellore Ramesh
December 2023 |
241 | T-278 | Roy Chaitri | Variability of ozone and its precursors in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS) over the Asian region | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune | Fadnavis Suvarna, Krishnan R. |
September 2023 |
240 | T-277 | Narayanasetti Sandeep | Teleconnections of the North Atlantic with the Asian monsoon in a warming climate | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune | Panickal Swapna, Krishnan R. |
July 2023 |
239 | T-276 | Sneha Sunil | Study of Cloud Properties and their Radiative Effects: Implications to Climate System | Andhra University, Visakhapatnam | Padmakumari B., Naidu C.V. |
December 2022 |
238 | T-275 | Mandal Raju | Development of Extended Range Prediction strategy of extreme temperature events over Indian region for societal benefits | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune | Joseph Susmitha, Sahai A.K. | June 2023 |
237 | T-274 | Sarkar Sahadat | Study of cloud and convective processes associated with different phases of intra seasonal oscillation using observations and General Circulation Model | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune | Mukhopadhyay P., Dutta S., Pandithurai G. |
April 2023 |
236 | T-273 | Thomas Lois | Numerical studies of turbulence impacts on growth of cloud droplets | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune | Bipin Kumar | May 2023 |
235 | T-272 | Boragapu Raja | Aerosol impact on the regional scale aspects of South Asian monsoon and its variability | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune | Maheskumar R.S., Padma Kumari B. |
April 2023 |
234 | T-271 | Siddharth Kumar | Convective-radiative processes in a state-of-the-art climate model | Indian Institute of Technology, Madras | Balaji C., Mukhopadhyay P. |
March 2023 |
233 | T-270 | Dhangar Narendra | Study of Physical and Thermodynamical Features of Winter Fog over NCR Delhi | Andhra University, Visakhapatnam | Lal Deen Mani, Prasad D.S.V.V.D. |
January 2023 |
232 | T-269 | Samanta Soumya | Unravelling the Lifecycle of Organized Convective Systems and associated Aerosol-Cloud-Precipitation Interaction | Andhra University, Visakhapatnam | Thara Prabhakaran, Suneetha P. |
February 2023 |
231 | T-268 | Inamdar Swaleha N. | A Study of Iodine Chemistry in the Indian Ocean and Southern Ocean Marine Boundary Layer | Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi | Mahajan Anoop, Ram Kirpa |
November 2022 |
230 | T-267 | Sahoo Monalisa | Interannual Variability and Teleconnection of Indian Summer Monsoon over Major Homogeneous Regions of India | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-07 | Yadav Ramesh Kumar | February 2023 |
229 | T-266 | Patekar Darshana | The Indo-Western Pacific climate variability and influence on Indian Summer Monsoon rainfall from interannual to interdecadal time scales | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-07 | Chowdary Jasti S., Gnanaseelan C. |
January 2023 |
228 | T-265 | Kalshetti Mahesh | Extratropical-Tropical Interaction in the Subseasonal to Seasonal Scale over the Indian Region | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-07 | Chatopadhyay Rajib, R. Phani Murali Krishna |
December 2022 |
227 | T-264 | Halder Subrota | The decadal variability of Tropical Indian Ocean sea surface temperature and its influence on Summer Monsoon | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-07 | Parekh Anant B., Gnanaseelan C. |
December 2022 |
226 | T-263 | Dasgupta Panini | Madden Julian Oscillation in a Changing Climate | Andhra University, Visakhapatnam | Koll Roxy Mathew, Naidu C.V. |
December 2022 |
225 | T-262 | Ganeshi Naresh | Role of soil moisture variability on temperature extremes over the Indian subcontinent under changing climate | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-07 | Mujumdar Milind, Krishnan R. |
December 2022 |
224 | T-261 | Singh Vineet Kumar | Understanding the Tracks and Ocean-Atmosphere Coupling of Tropical Cyclones in the North Indian Ocean in a Changing Climate | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-07 | Koll Roxy Mathew, Deshpande Medha |
December 2022 |
223 | T-260 | Gupta Abhishek | Simulating the Vertical Structure of Atmospheric Low-Level-Jets using Laboratory Wall Jets | Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi | Dixit Shivsai A., Abhay Kumar Singh |
November 2022 |
222 | T-259 | Dey Avijit | Development of a real time monitoring strategy for MJO and evaluation of its extended range forecast skill | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-07 | Chattopadhyay Rajib, Sahai A.K. |
November 2022 |
221 | T-258 | Acharja Prodip | Understanding Chemistry of aerosols and trace gases and their source mechanisms in urban regions over India | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-07 | Ali Kausar | September 2022 |
220 | T-257 | Dutta Ushnanshu | Role of Convective Microphysics Parameterization on the Simulation of Indian Summer Monsoon | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-07 |
Chaudhari H.S.,
Hazra Anupam |
September 2022 |
219 | T-256 | Reddy Annapureddy P. | Study of Indian Monsoon Variability on Multi-Decadal to Centennial Scales using Oxygen Isotope Records of Speleothems | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-07 | Gandhi Naveen | August 2022 |
218 | T-255 | Srivastava Ankur | The Indian Summer Monsoon: Exploring the Role of River Run-off | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai | Ghosh Subimal, Rao Suryacharndra |
August 2022 |
217 | T-254 | Singh Manmeet | Role of Volcanic and Anthropogenic Aerosols on the Tropical Ocean-Atmosphere-Land Coupled System and the South Asian Monsoon | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai | Venkataraman Chandra, Krishnan R., Dey Choudhury Ayantika |
August 2022 |
216 | T-253 | Singh Shikha | A Modeling Study on Upper Ocean Processes, Mixing Dynamics, and Deep Ocean Biases in Tropical Indian Ocean | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai | Balasubramanian Sridhar, Ghosh Subimal, Valsala Vinu |
August 2022 |
215 | T-252 | Halder Santanu | Investigating Long-Lived Greenhouse Gas Fluxes using forward & Inverse Modeling and Concentration Observation Over India | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-07 | Tiwari Yogesh K., Valsala Vinu |
July 2022 |
214 | T-251 | Hingmire Dipti Swapnil | Large-Scale Dynamical Controls Relevant To Wintertime Widespread FogOver The Indo-Gangetic Plains | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-07 | Vellore Ramesh | July 2022 |
213 | T-250 | Ram Somaru | Climate Change and Climate Variability Studies Based on Tree Ring Records of Himalayan Region | Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi | Srivastava Manoj Kr., Singh H.N., Yadav Ramesh Kr. |
June 2022 |
212 | T-249 | Sandeep K. | Understanding the Variability and Radiative Impact of Aerosols over Himalayan Region | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-07 | Panicker Abhilash S. | June 2022 |
211 | T-248 | Korhale Nikhil Anil | Impact of Coastal Meteorology and Emission Sources in the Distribution of Air Pollutants over Mumbai Region under SAFAR | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-07 | Beig Gufran | June 2022 |
210 | T-247 | Anand Vrinda | The Variability Of Air Pollutants In Various Micro-Environments Of Pune Under SAFAR | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-07 | Beig Gufran, Panicker A.S. |
May 2022 |
209 | T-246 | Kaur Manpreet | Development of a framework for Improved Extended Range Prediction of Extreme Weather Events | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-07 | Joseph Susmitha, Sahai A.K. |
March 2022 |
208 | T-245 | Roy Kumar | Observational and Modelling studies of Cloud and Convective processes with emphasis to Low-level clouds and its microphysical impact on precipitation | Andhra University, Visakhapatnam | Mukhopadhyay P., Ramakrishna S.S.V.S. |
March 2022 |
207 | T-244 | Mohapatra Sandeep | Understanding the Decadal Variability of the Indian Ocean from Observations and Model | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-07 | Gnanaseelan C. | February 2022 |
206 | T-243 | Deb Burman Pramit Kumar | Carbon Sequestration Studies in Forest Ecosystems Using Tower-Based Observations and GPP-NEE Modelling | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-07 | Chakraborty S., Karipot Anandakumar |
December 2021 |
205 | T-242 | Jadhav Jyoti | Multi-Decadal Sea-Level Variability in the Indian Ocean and its Possible Driving Mechanism in a Changing Climate | Andhra University, Vishakhapatnam | Panickal Swapna, Krishnan R., Naidu C.V. |
August 2021 |
204 | T-241 | Mudiar Dipjyoti | Effects of Electric Forces on Rain Formation Processes in Tropical Clouds | Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi | Srivastava Manoj Kr., Pawar S.D., Hazra Anupam, Lal D.M. |
June 2021 |
203 | T-240 | Anil Kumar V. | On the Influence of Atmospheric Aerosols in Ice Nuclei Characteristics and its Parameterization | Andhra University, Vishakhapatnam | Pandithurai G, Prasad D.S.V.V.D. |
April 2021 |
202 | T-239 | Pithani PrakasaRao | Observational Aspects and Numerical Modelling of Fog over the Indo-Gangetic Plain | Andhra University, Vishakhapatnam | Ghude Sachin, Naidu C.V. |
January 2021 |
201 | T-238 | Rohini P. | Observational and Modelling Aspects of Heat Waves over India | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-07 | Rajeevan M. Mukhopadhyay P. |
September 2020 |
200 | T-237 | Saranya Ganesh S. | Development of Prediction System for Genesis, Track and Intensity of North Indian Ocean Tropical Cyclones in a Multi-Model Ensemble Framework | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-07 | Abhilash S., Sahai A.K., Joseph Susmitha |
July 2020 |
199 | T-236 | Bhowmik Utsav | Study of Spatio-Temporal Variability of Convection over the Western Ghats based on Doppler Weather Radar | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-07 | Pandithurai G., Deshpande Sachin |
July 2020 |
198 | T-235 | Patra Sukanya | Investigation of Vertical Structure of Tropical Clouds over Western Ghats using Ka-Band Rader | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-07 | Kalapureddy M.C.R. | July 2020 |
197 | T-234 | Ganai Malay | Study of Rainfall Variability and Associated Convective Processes at Different Spatio-Temporal Scales During Indian Monsoon | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-07 | Mukhopadhyay P., Ravuri Phani Murali Krishna |
June 2020 |
196 | T-233 | Karmakar Ananya | Study of the Role of Physics and Resolution on the Interannual Variability of Indo-Pacific Ocean using Ocean Model | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-07 | Parekh A., Gnanaseelan C. |
June 2020 |
195 | T-232 | Bera Sudarsan | Investigation of Entrainment and Mixing Processes in Convective Clouds Using Observations and Numerical Simulation | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-07 | Thara P., Pandithurai G., Bipin Kumar |
March 2020 |
194 | T-231 | Deepa J.S. | A Study on Sea Level Variability and Trends in the Indian Ocean and the Underlying Mechanisms using Observations and Model | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-07 | Gnanaseelan C., Parekh Anant |
March 2020 |
193 | T-230 | Sreeush M. G. | Forward and Inverse Modeling of Indian Ocean Carbon Cycle in a Biogeochemical Model | Andhra University, Vishakhapatnam | Vinu Valsala, Pentakota S., K.V.S.R. Prasad, C.V.Naidu |
January 2020 |
192 | T-229 | Kakatkar Rashmi Arun | Understanding the Subsurface Variability in the Tropical Indian Ocean and its Impact on the Air-Sea Interaction in Coupled Models | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-07 | Gnanaseelan C., Chowdary J.S. | December 2019 |
191 | T-228 | Gangiredla Srinivas | Impact of Pacific and Atlantic Modes on Indian Summer Monsoon Variability and Indian Ocean Climate | Andhra University, Vishakhapatnam | Chowdary J.S., K.V.S.R. Prasad, C.V. Naidu |
November 2019 |
190 | T-227 | Sinha Nitesh | Isotopic Studies of Rainfall and its Reconstruction using Speleothems from the Indian Subcontinent | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-07 | Chakraborty S. | December 2019 |
189 | T-226 | Kurumuri L N B R Krishna | Linkages of Meteorology with Fine Particulate Matters over Two Metropolitan Environments under SAFAR – system | Mohanlal Sukhdia University, Udaipur (Rajasthan) | Beig G. | March 2019 |
188 | T-225 | Sujith K. | Role of Land Surface Processes on the Simulation of Indian Summer Monsoon | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune | Saha S.K. | Oct.2018 |
187 | T-224 | Aslam M. Y. | Urban Heat Island and its Association with Air Quality for Metropolitan Cities of India Under SAFAR Network | Mohanlal Sukhdia University, Udaipur (Rajasthan) | Beig G. | Feb.2018 |
186 | T-223 | Kulkarni Gayatri | Study Aerosol Effects on Deep Convective Clouds within Monsoon Environment based on Observation and Numerical Modeling | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-7 | Thara Prabhakaran | Oct.2018 |
185 | T-222 | Gautam Alok Sagar | Generation Mechanisms and Characteristics of Air Ions at a Tropical Station | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-7 | Siingh Devendraa, Kamra A.K. |
September 2018 |
184 | T-221 | Parkhi N.S. | Development of System of Air Quality Forecasting And Research(SAFAR) and High Resolution Emission Inventories for Two Major India Metro Cities | Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur (Rajasthan) | Beig G. | November 2017 |
183 | T-220 | Surendran Divya E. | Impact of Emission Scenarios and Associated Transport Processes over India using Global Chemical Transport Model-MOZART-4 | Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur (Rajasthan) | Beig G. and Ghude S.D. |
.November 2017 |
182. | T-219 | Fousiya T.S. | Seasonal and Intra-seasonal Variability of Surface and Subsurface Processes in the Bay of Bengal from Observations and Model | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-7 | Gnanaseelan C., Parekh A. | Nov. 2017 |
181. | T-218 | Chipade M.D. | Energetics of Zonal Waves and Variability of Indian Summer Monsoon | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-7 | Bawiskar S.M. | Nov. 2017 |
180. | T-217 | Priya P. | Modelling Studies on Hydero-meteorological Response of Indus river basin to Heavy Monsoon Rain Events under Changing Climate | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-7 | Krishnan R. and Mujumdar M. |
Aug. 2017 |
179. | T-216 | Gandham H. | Study of Cloud Macro and Micro Physical Properties and their Response to Aerosol from Insitu and Remote Sensing Techniques | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-7 | Padmakumari B. | Aug . 2017 |
178. | T-215 | Kane M.H. | High Resolution Modeling of Winter-time Weather and Climate Processes over Western Himalayas under a Changing Climate | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-7 | Krishnan R. and Goswami B.N. | June 2017 |
177. | T-214 | Nagarjuna Rao D. | Interactions between the Synoptic Variability and the Seasonal Mean Monsoon: Role of Ocean-Atmosphere Coupling | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-7 | Suryachandra Rao A. | May. 2017 |
176. | T-212 | Marathe, S.M. | Linear and Non- Linear Evolution and Interannual Variability of Sea Surface Temperature in the Tropical Pacific | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-7 | Ashok K., Swapna P. |
Mar. 2017 |
175. | T-211 | Bisht, D.S. | Assessment of Ionic Composition of Precipitation and Physico-chemical Properties of Aerosol in Northern Part of India | Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi- 221005 | Srivastava M.K., Tiwari S. |
Oct. 2014 |
174. | T-210 | Patade S.G. | New Parameterization for Ice Nucleation in Indian Monsoon Clouds based on CAIPEEX Observation | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-7 | Thara Prabhakaran, Kumar, P.P. |
Jan.2017 |
173. | T-209 | Bhaskar Preethi | Variability and Teleconnections of South and East Asian Summer Monsoons in A Warming Environment | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-7 | Kripalani R.H., Mujumdar M. |
Dec.2016 |
172. | T-208 | Gibies George | Role of Ocean-Atmosphere Coupling in the Seasonal Prediction of South Asian Monsoon | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-7 | Suryachandra Rao A. | Dec.2016 |
171. | T-207 | Ramarao Mandavilli, V.S. | Land Surface Hydrological Response over the Indian Monsoon Region under Changing Climate | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-7 | Sanjay, J. Krishnan, R. |
Oct.2016 |
170. | T-206 | Chilukoti, N. | Decadal Change in the Relationship Between Indian and Australian Summer Monsoon | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-7 | Ashok, Karumuri | Jan. 2016 |
169. | T-205 | Chakraborty, T. | Intercontinental Transport and Distribution of Air Pollutants over South Asia | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-7 | Beig, G. | June 2016 |
168. | T-204 | Sanap, S.D. | Study on Aerosol-Monsoon Interactions over Indian Subcontinent using satellite data and CMIP-5 Simulations | Andhra University, Visakhapatnam-530003 | Pandithurai, G. Niranjan K. |
June 2016 |
167. | T-203 | Lal, D.M. | Role of Aerosol on Changing Climate over Indo-Gangetic Plain | Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-22100 | Srivastava, M.K. Tiwari, S. Ghude, S. |
Feb. 2016 |
166. | T-202 | Kakade, S.B. | Prediction of Indian Monsoon Rainfall on Smaller Space-Time Scales | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-7 | Kulkarni, A.A. | Jan. 2016 |
165. | T-201 | Deshpande, A.H. | Study of Variability in the Equatorial Indian Ocean Currents and their Regional Impact. | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-7 | Gnanaseelan, C. | Jan. 2016 |
164. | T-200 | Ojha, S. | Study of Variability in the Vertical Structure of Tropical Indian Ocean and its Impact on Air-Sea Interaction. | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-7 | Gnanaseelan, C. | Jan. 2016 |
163. | T-199 | Dharmaraj, T. | Studies on Atmospheric Boundary Layer in different Environments over the Indian Region | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-7 | Raj P. E. | Dec. 2015 |
162. | T-198 | Borah, Nabanita | Extended Range Prediction of Indian Summer Monsoon: Development of a Non-Linear Technique and Bias Correction of Dynamical Model Forecast. | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-7 | Sahai, A.K. Goswami, B.N. |
Oct. 2015 |
161. | T-197 | Ruchith, R.D. | Characteristics of Tropospheric Winds over the Tropical Indian Region from Radar and Lidar Measurements | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-7 | Raj, P.E. Kalapureddy, M.C.R. |
Sep.2015 |
160. | T-196 | Rahul, S. | Model Study on the Indian Ocean Warming and associated processes | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-7 | Gnanaseelan, C. | Aug. 2015 |
159. | T-195 | Sur, Sharmila | Studies on the Characteristics of Intraseasonal Oscillations during Extreme Monsoon Years: Observations and Model Simulations | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-7 | Sahai, A.K. Goswami, B.N. |
Aug. 2015 |
158. | T-194 | Bose, Trina | Long term reconstruction of climate parameters using proxies from dated tree ring samples from Western Himalayas | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-7 | Chakraborty, S Borgaonkar, H. |
Aug. 2015 |
157. | T-193 | Jena, C.K. | High Resolution NOX Emission estimates for India based on Satellite Measurements and Regional Chemistry Transport Model | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-7 | Ghude, S. Beig, G. |
July 2015 |
156. | T-192 | Srinivas, Rekha | High Resolution on line chemistry transport modeling for atmospheric chemical constituents in developing forecasting system for Delhi | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-7 | Beig, G. | July 2015 |
155. | T-191 | Kanase, R.D. | Numerical Study of Indian Ocean cyclones using Regional Mesoscale Model | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-7 | Salvekar, P.S. | July 2015 |
154. | T-190 | Chakravorty, S. | Understanding the Basin scale Interannual warming of the Indian Ocean and its regional Impacts | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-7 | Gnanaseelan, C. | May 2015 |
153. | T-189 | Santra, A. | Impact of cloud Processes on Tropical Intraseasonal oscillation: Numerical Modeling Studies | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-7 | Mukhopadhyay, P. Goswami, B.N. |
April 2015 |
152. | T-188 | Attada,Raju | Impact of data Assimilation on the prediction of Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall and its Intraseasonal Oscillations. | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-7 | Parekh, A.B. Gnanaseelan, C, |
Mar. 2015 |
151. | T-187 | Latha, R. | Effect of Aerosols on Evapotranspiration- observations over Tropical Mining Region and Model Evaluation. | Dept. of Applied Mathematics, Birla Institute of Technology, Ranchi. | Manoj Kumar (Internal) Murthy, B.S. (External) |
Sep. 2014 |
150. | T-186 | Kunchala, Ravikumar | Study of Atmospheric Carbon-Dioxide (CO2) transport over India using observations and Modelling Techniques. | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-7 | Tiwari, Y.K. Krishnamurthy, A. |
Sep. 2014 |
149. | T-185 | Sabeerali, C.T. | Modulation of Monsoon Intra-Seasonal Oscillations by Global Warming | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-7 | Rao, Suryachandra. A. Goswami, B.N. |
Sep. 2014 |
148. | T-184 | Halder, Madhuparna | Study of Cloud Microphysics and lightning Activity using observations and Numerical Modelling | University of Pune | Siingh, Devendra Mukhopadhyay, P. Kamra, A.K. |
July 2014 |
147. | T-183 | Goswami, B.B. | Study of Indian Summer Monsoon Intraseasonal Oscillation in Multiscale Modelling Framework | University of Pune | Mukhopadhyay P., Goswami, B.N. |
May 2014 |
146. | T-182 | Tinmaker, I.R. | Space-Time Variations of Lightning Activity over Indian Region | University of Pune | Ali, Kaushar | Feb. 2014 |
145. | T-181 | Cini, Sukumaran | Structure of Turbulence in the Atmospheric Surface Layer | University of Pune | Sivaramakrishnan, S. | Jan. 2014 |
144. | T-180 | Narendrasingh H. | Observed Climatic Changes in OLR, Cloud Cover and Rainfall Across India: Linking Hydrodimatic Variation to Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulations | University of Pune | Singh Nityanand | Oct. 2013 |
143. | T-179 | Patwardhan, S.K. | Study of the Impact of Climate Change on the Characteristics of Indian Summer Monsoon Using Regional Climate Model | University of Pune | Krishnakumar K. Kulkarni A. |
Aug. 2013 |
142. | T-178 | Dipu, Sudhakar | Effect of Aerosols on Cloud Microphysical Properties: Measurements and Implications to Aerosol Indirect Effect Estimates | University of Pune | Pandithurai G. | May 2013 |
141. | T-177 | Halder, Subhadeep | Role of Land Surface Processes in the Variability of Indian Summer Monsoon | University of Pune | Goswami, B.N. Krishnakumar, K. Saha, Subodhkumar |
May 2013 |
140. | T-176 | Dey Choudary Ayantika | Large Scale Dynamics and Organization of Convective Systems of the Asian Summer Monsoon | University of Pune | Krishnan R. | Jan. 2013 |
139. | T-175 | Sawant, V.S. | Development of Air Ion Generators and Testing of Its use for Fog Dispersion | University of Pune | Jadhav D.B. | Nov. 2012 |
138. | T-174 | Manoj, M.G. | Remote Sensing and Modelling Investigations of Atmospheric Aerosols, Clouds and their Interaction with Climate | University of Pune | Devara P.C.S. | Nov. 2012 |
137. | T-173 | Dhar, O.N. | On Some Hydro- meteorological Aspects of Rainfall Distribution over North India | The Jadavpur University | Mukherjee A.K. Chanda B.N. |
1974 |
136. | T-172 | Joseph, M. N. | Role of Climate Change on Predictability of Indian Monsoon Weather and Climate | University of Pune | Goswami B.N. | Mar. 2012 |
135. | T-171 | Prabhu, A.A. | Variability of Polar Sea-Ice- Its Possible Linkage with Monsoon | University of Pune | Mahajan, P.N. | Dec. 2011 |
134. | T-170 | Ranade, A.A. | Studies on Hydrological Wet Seasonal and Occurrence of Dry and Wet Spells over River Basins of India | University of Pune | Singh, Nityanand | Nov. 2011 |
133. | T-169 | Sumit Kumar, K. | Optical, Microphysical and Radiative Characteristics of Aerosols: Implications to Weather and Climate Change | University of Pune | Devara, P.C.S. | Nov.2011 |
132. | T-168 | Jaykumar, A. | Understanding the Intraseasonal Variability in the Tropical Indian Ocean Using Ocean General Circulation Model Studies | University of Pune | Gnanaseelan, C. | Sep. 2011 |
131. | T-167 | Budhavant, K.B. | Studies on Precipitation Chemistry at Different Locations over Pune Region | University of Pune | Rao, P.S.P. | Oct. 2011 |
130. | T-166 | Rameshkumar, P. | Influence of the Satellite –derived Convective and Cloud Physics Characteristics on the Spatial and Seasonal Distribution of Lightning over Southeast Asia | University of Pune | Kamra, A.K. | Oct. 2011 |
129. | T-165 | Suhas, E. | Interdecadal Variability of Tropical Intraseasonal Oscillation | University of Pune | Goswami, B.N. | Aug. 2011 |
128. | T-164 | Khalid Ahmed Awadh Al-Najar | Wave and Sea level Study Along the Oman Coast: Observations and Simulations | Atmospheric and Space Sciences University of Pune | Salvekar, P.S. | July 2011 |
127. | T-163 | Taraphdar, Sourav | Weather Predictability in Different Monsoon Regimes over India Using Numerical Model | University of Pune | Mukhopadyay, P. Goswami, B.N. |
June 2011 |
126. | T-162 | Joseph, Susmitha | Some Aspects of Interactions between Intra Seasonal and Interannual Variabilities of the Indian Summer Monsoon | University of Pune | Sahai A.K. & Goswami B.N. |
June 2011 |
125. | T-161 | Pawar, Subhash Dadaji | Monitoring of Air Ions for Different Atmospheric Conditions | University of Pune | Jadhav D.B. | June 2011 |
124. | T-160 | Samala Basant Kumar | Model Simulations and Diagnostics of Ocean-Atmosphere Coupled Interactions in the Monsoon Environment | University of Pune | Krishnan R. | May 2011 |
123. | T-159 | Deshpande, M.S. | Application of Mesoscale Model to Simulate and Understand the Physics and Dynamics of Tropical Cyclones | University of Pune | Salvekar, P.S. | July 2010 |
122. | T-158 | Sahu Saroj Kumar | Emission Inventories of Major Atmospheric Pollutants For India using GIS Technique and their Impact on the Distribution of Tropospheric Ozone | University of Pune | Beig, G. | June 2010 |
121. | T-157 | Mandke, S.K. | Numerical Modeling of South Asian Monsoon Variability, Predictability and Impact of Climate Change | University of Pune | Sahai, A.K. & Krishnan, R. |
May 2010 |
120. | T-156 | Panicker, A.S. | Investigation of Aerosol Spectral Radiative and Cloud Microphysical Effects Using Ground and Satellite Remote Sensing Data | University of Pune | Pandithurai, G. | April 2010 |
119. | T-155 | Revadekar, J.V. | Observed Trends and Model Projections of Extremes in Precipitation and Surface Temperature Over India | University of Pune | Rupa Kumar K. | April 2010 |
118. | T-154 | Chattopadhyay, R. | Role of Large Scale Dynamics on the Prediction of Intraseasonal and Interannual Variability of Indian Summer Monsoon | University of Pune | Sahai, A.K. & Goswami, B.N. |
Mar.2010 |
117. | T-153 | Deshpande, N.R. | Hydro-Climatic Aspects of Major River Basins in India and Impacts of Climate Change | University of Pune | Krishnakumar, K. | Mar.2010 |
116. | T-152 | Biswas, M.K. | Use of Adaptive Observation Strategies for Tropical Numerical Weather Prediction and Summer Monsoon | University of Pune | Salvekar, P.S. | Jan. 2010 |
115. | T-151 | Kulkarni, S.H. | Chemical Characterization of Aerosols Using Raman Spectroscopy | University of Pune | Jadhav, D.B. | Nov.2009 |
114. | T-150 | Deepa, R. | Study of Evolution of Arabian Sea Warm Pool and Onset Vortex in Relation with onset of Southwest Monsoon | University of Pune | Gananseelan, C. | Oct. 2009 |
113. | T-149 | Praveen, P.S. | Aerosol Properties in Different Environments | University of Pune | Devara, P.C.S. | July 2009 |
112. | T-147 | Deshpande, S.M. | Studies on Vertical Winds in the Middle Troposphere Obtained From UHF Wind Profiler Radar at Pune | University of Pune | Raj, P.E. | Aug.2009 |
111. | T-146 | Kamala, K. | Regional Climate Change Projections for India : Development of High- Resolution Climate Scenarios for Impact Assessment for the 21st Century | University of Pune | Rupa Kumar Kolli Krishnakumar, K. |
June 2009 |
110. | T-145 | Sundaram, S. | Numerical Simulation Experiments of the Indian Summer Monsoon and its Predictability | University of Pune | Krishnan, R.& Sahai, A.K. |
Mar.2009 |
109. | T-144 | Pant, Vimlesh | Marine Aerosols Over the Indian Ocean and at Antarctica | University of Pune | Kamra, A.K. | Feb.2009 |
108. | T-143 | Fadnavis, S.S. | Anthropogenic and Natural Variabilities in Some Minor Constituents and Temperature of the Tropical Middle Atmosphere | University of Pune | Beig, G. | Nov.2008 |
107. | T-141 | Singh, Umeshkumar | Understanding and Prediction of Southwest Monsoon Variability using Atmospheric and Oceanic Parameters: Diagnostic Study | University of Pune | Salvekar, P.S. | Oct .2008 |
106. | T-140 | Vaid, Bakshi Hardeep | Understanding the Physical Variability of the Tropical Indian Ocean and its Relation to Atmospheric Forcing | University of Pune | Gananseelan, C. | Sep. 2008 |
105. | T-139 | Mishra, A.K. | Numerical Modelling of the Upper Ocean Dynamics and Thermodynamics Over the North Indian Ocean | University of Pune | Gananseelan, C.& Salvekar, P.S. |
Aug. 2008 |
104. | T-138 | Gunthe, S.S. | Study of Ozone and its Precursors over the Indian Tropical Region | University of Pune | Beig G. | July 2008 |
103. | T-137 | Vinay, Kumar | Model Studies on Droughts in the Tropics and Sub-Tropics | University of Pune | Krishnan, R. | May 2008 |
102. | T-136 | Pawar, S.D. | Recovery Curves and Evolution of Lightning from the Surface Measurements of Electric Field and the Maxwell Current Beneath Thunderclouds | University of Pune | Kamara, A.K. | Mar.2008 |
101. | T-135 | Bhawar, R. L. | Aerosol Characterization using Satellite and Ground-based Measurements | University of Pune | Devara, P.C.S. | Mar.2008 |
100. | T-134 | Srivastava, A.K. | Observational and Modeling Studies on Aerosols and Clouds over a Tropical Station in India | University of Pune | Devara, P.C.S. | Mar. 2008 |
99. | T-133 | Ramesh, K.V. | Numerical Modelling of Air-Sea Interactions in the Indo-Pacific Region | University of Pune | Krishnan, R. | June 2005 |
98. | T-132 | Sanjay, J. | Atmospheric Boundary Layer Interaction: Over Tropics in Numerical Weather Prediction Models | University of Pune | Singh, S.S. | Dec. 2007 |
97. | T-131 | Chowdary, J.S. | A Study on Surface and Subsurface Variability in the Tropical Indian Ocean Using Observations and Model | University of Pune | Gananseelan, C. | Dec. 2007 |
96. | T-130 | Singh, Narendra | Clear Air and Precipitation Studies over a Tropical Station Pune, Using UHF Wind Profiler | University of Pune | Pant, G.B. | Nov. 2007 |
95. | T-129 | Thompson, B. | Numerical Modelling on the North Indian Ocean Using a Multi Level Ocean General Circulation Model | University of Pune | Gananseelan, C. | Aug. 2007 |
94. | T-128 | Deo, A. A. | Theoretical Understanding of the Impact of Indian Ocean Cyclones on the Surrounding Region Using Different Ocean Models | University of Pune | Salvekar, P.S. | May 2007 |
93. | T-127 | Yadav, R.K. | Variability of Winter Precipitation over North-West India: Teleconnections and Long-Rang Forecasting | University of Pune | Rupa Kumar Kolli | Feb. 2007 |
92. | T-126 | Kulkarni, J.R. | Indian summer Monsoon Variability Analysis: intra seasonal to Climatic Scales Using Wavelet Transform | University of Pune | Pant, G. B. | Dec. 2006 |
91. | T-125 | Pankaj, Kumar | Northeast Monsoon Rainfall Variability Over India : Teleconnections and Long Range Prediction | University of Pune | Rupa Kumar Kolli Rajeevan, M. |
Dec. 2006 |
90. | T-124 | Chate, D.M. | Study of Collision Efficiencies of Water Drops, Scavenging Coefficients and Evolutions of Atmospheric Aerosol Size Distribution by Rain Event | University of Pune | Devara, P.C.S. | Sep. 2006 |
89. | T-123 | Narkhedkar, S.G. | Objective Analysis for Meteorological Parameters and Data Assimilation over Indian and Adjoining Region | University of Pune | Sinha, S.K. | Sep. 2006 |
88. | T-122 | Tiwari, Y.K. | Constraints of Satellite Derived CO2 on Carbon Sources and Sinks | Hamburg University | Gloor, M. | Feb. 2006 |
87. | T-121 | Meena, G.S. | Study of Atmospheric Constituents by Visible Spectroscopy | University of Pune | Jadhav, D.B. | May 2006 |
86. | T-120 | Devkota, L.P. | Climate Variability over Nepal: Observations, Forecasting, Model Evaluation and Impacts on Agriculture and Water Resources | Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu | Upadhyay, B.P. Rupa Kumar Kolli |
2004 |
85. | T-119 | Mukhopadhyay, P. | Prediction of Thunderstorms and Heavy Precipitation Events over Indian Region | University of Pune | Singh, S.S. | May 2005 |
84. | T-118 | Padma Kumari, B. | Study of Stratospheric Aerosol by Passive Remote Sensing Technique | University of Pune | Jadhav, D.B. | April 2005 |
83. | T-117 | Kothawale, D.R. | Surface and Upper Air-Temperature Variability over India and its Influence on the Summer Monsoon Rainfall | University of Pune | Rupa Kumar Kolli | Mar. 2005 |
82. | T-116 | Mokashi, R.Y. | Investigations on the Upper Atmosphere over India and Neighborhood | University of Pune | Ananthakrishnan,R. | 1975 |
81. | T-115 | Narayanan, V. | Studies of the Troposphere, Stratosphere and Mesosphere over the Equatorial India | University of Kerala | Pisharoty, P.R. | 1973 |
80. | T-114 | Rao, Ramanuja K. | Studies in Upper Atmosphere: “Measurement of Neutral Atmosphere winds above 80 KM” | Gujarat University | Bhavsar, P.D. | 1966 |
79. | T-113 | Reddy, P.R.C. | Role of Satellite data in understanding the Circulation and the SST fields over the Indian Seas | University of Pune | Salvekar, P.S. | June 2004 |
78. | T-112 | Saraf, N. | Role of Natural and Anthropogenic Activities on the Tropical Chemical Climate of Troposphere and Stratosphere | University of Pune | Beig, G. | Mar.2004 |
77. | T-109 | Bawiskar, S.M. | Energetics of Zonal Waves and Performance of Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall | University of Pune | Singh, S.S. | Oct . 2003 |
76. | T-108 | Nagar, S.G. | Some Aspects of the Boundary Layer Characteristics over Indian Region | University of Pune | Singh S.S. | Aug. 2003 |
75. | T-107 | Patil, P.R. | Vertical Profiles of Aerosols with Twilight method | University of Pune | Jadhav, D.B. | 2003 |
74. | T-105 | Mujumdar, M. | Studies on Initial and Boundary Conditions in Climate Models Using Spectral Techniques: Applications to Asian Monsoon | University of Pune | Sharma, K.C. Krishnan, R. |
Nov. 2002 |
73. | T-103 | Ashrit, R. | Climate Change and Variability over India: Observation, Model Simulations and Agricultural Impacts | University of Pune | Rupa Kumar, K. | Sep.2001 |
72. | T-102 | Ali, K. | Radar Studies of Convective Clouds in North India | Banaras Hindu University | Gupta, B.R.D. Devara, P.C.S. |
2001 |
71. | T-101 | Deshpande, C.G. | Atmospheric Electrical and Aerosol Measurements over the Indian Ocean and at the Antarctica | University of Pune | Kamra, A.K. | 2000 |
70. | T-100 | Kulkarni, B.D. | On Some Climatological and Hydrometeorological Aspects of Godavari Basin for the Optimum Development of its Water Resources Projects | University of Pune | Pant, G.B. | June 2001 |
69. | T-99 | Patnaik, D.R. | Modelling of the Moist Convection over the Monsoon Region | University of Pune | Satyan, V. Krishnan, R. |
2001 |
68. | T-98 | Patil, M.N. | Characteristics of Atmospheric Boundary Layer in the Monsoon Trough Region | University of Pune | Parasnis, S.S. | May 2001 |
67. | T-97 | Murthy, B.S. | Atmospheric Boundary Layer Studies Using Sodar and Micro-Meteorological Tower | University of Pune | Parasnis, S.S. | May 2001 |
66. | T-96 | Naik, M.S. | Study of Ionic Constituents in Rain Water in Polluted and Non-Polluted Regions of India | University of Pune | Jadhav, D.B. | Mar. 2001 |
65. | T-95 | Safai, P.D. | Study of the Air Pollutants in the Environment of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, South India | University of Pune | Jadhav, D.B. | Feb. 2000 |
64. | T-94 | Debaje, S.B. | Tropospheric Studies of some Important Atmospheric Species over Tropics | University of Pune | Jadhav, D.B. | Nov. 1999 |
63. | T-93 | Ravichandran, M. | Study of the Atmospheric Electric Field Vector Close to the Ground | University of Pune | Kamra, A.K. | 1999 |
62. | T-92 | Munot, A.A. | Tropical General Circulation and its Association with the Indian Summer Monsoon | University of Pune | Pant, G.B. | 1999 |
61. | T-91 | Maheskumar, R.S. | Atmospheric Aerosol and Air Quality Studies using Lidar and In-SITU Techniques | University of Pune | Devara, P.C.S. | July 1999 |
60. | T-90 | Pethkar, J.S. | Study of Atmospheric Interannual Variability Using Global Coads Surface Pressure Time Series | University of Pune | Selvam, A.M. | 1999 |
59. | T-89 | Kandalgaonkar, S.S. | Some Studies of Surface Atmospheric Electricity Parameters : Fair and Disturbed Weather Conditions | University of Pune | Jadhav, D.B. | July 1999 |
58. | T-88 | Londhe, A.L. | Determination of the Vertical Structure of Atmospheric Constituents by Visible Spectroscopy | University of Pune | Jadhav, D.B. | April 1999 |
57. | T-87 | Joshi, R.R. | Study of Atmospheric Intra seasonal Variability using Global Toga (The Tropical Ocean and Global Atmosphere) Temperature Time Series | University of Pune | Selvam, A.M. | Feb. 1999 |
56. | T-86 | Ananthakrishnan, R. | Investigations on Rayleigh Scattering and Raman Effect | University of Madras | Raman, C.V. | 1937 |
55. | T-85 | Ashok, K. | Some Numerical Simulation Studies of Tropical Cyclone Circulation over the Bay of Bengal | Andhra University, Visakhapatnam | Bhaskar Rao, D.V. | 1997 |
54. | T-84 | Venkatesan, C. | Model Studies of Monsoon Variability | University of Pune | Keshavamurty, R.N. | Mar.1998 |
53. | T-83 | Ratnam, J.V. | Role of Non-Geostrophic Effects in the Baroclinic Development of Monsoon Disturbances | University of Pune | Salvekar, P.S. | Mar. 1998 |
52. | T-82 | Nighut, D.N. | Study of Atmospheric Aerosol Loading using the Twilight Method | University of Pune | Jadhav, D.B. | 1998 |
51. | T-81 | Sahu, J.K. | Some Thermo dynamical and Forecasting Aspects of Local Severe Storms over Northwest India | University of Pune | Singh, S.V. | 1998 |
50. | T-80A | Pandithurai, G. | Lidar and Radiometric Studies of Aerosol and Trace Gas Distributions in the Tropical Atmosphere | University of Pune | Devara, P.C.S. | April 1998 |
49. | T-80 | Morwal, S.B. | Nature and Some Evolutionary Aspects of the Monsoon Boundary Layer | University of Pune | Parasnis, S.S. | Jan. 1998 |
48. | T-79 | Sreevalsan, E. | Study of the Non-Conventional Energy Resources based on the Climate of Kerala | University of Kerala | Mani, A. | 1997 |
47.. | T-78 | Vijayakumar, R. | Observation and Numerical Simulation of the Microphysical Processes in Monsoon Clouds | University of Pune | Murty, A.S.R. | Sep.1997 |
46. | T-77 | Prakasa Rao, P.S. | Some Studies on the Depositions of Atmospheric Pollutants in Different Environments in India | University of Pune | Devara, P.C.S. | Aug. 1997 |
45. | T-76 | Shivramakrishnan, S. | Studies on the Exchange Processes in the Convective Atmospheric Boundary Layer in the Monsoon Through Region | University of Pune | Keshavamurty R.N. | 1996 |
44. | T-75 | Selvam, A.M. | Investigation on Cloud Physics with Special Reference to Thunderstorm Electricity in the Tropics and on the Use of Satellite Cloud Pictures for the Study of Tropical Cyclones over the Indian Ocean (Vol.1 and Vol.2) | University of Pune | Shivramakrishnan, M.V. | 1968 |
43. | T-73 | Krishna Kumar, K. | Seasonal Forecasting of Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall: Diagnostics and Synthesis of Regional and Global Signals | University of Pune | Pant, G.B. | May 1997 |
42. | T-72 | Kulkarni, P.L. | On the Estimation of Divergent Wind from OLR data and Its Inclusion in Objective Analysis for Numerical Weather Prediction | University of Pune | Rajamani, S. | Mar. 1997 |
41. | T-71 | Sontakke, N.A. | Study of Climatic Variations and Climate Monitoring over India and Neighborhood | University of Pune | Pant, G.B. | April 1997 |
40. | T-70 | Borgaonkar, H.P. | Tree Growth-Climate Relationship and Long-term Climate Change over the Western Himalaya: A Dendroclimatic Approach | University of Pune | Pant, G.B. | May 1997 |
39. | T-68 | Nandargi, S.S. | Rainstorm Studies for Planning and Development of Water Resources of the Indian Region | University of Pune | Dhar, O.N. | Sep. 1996 |
38. | T-67 | Nair, M.V.H. | Some Aspects of the Physical Processes in the Middle Atmosphere | University of Pune | Raja Rao, K.S. | 1982 |
37. | T-66 | Mahajan, P.N. | Application of Satellite data for the Analysis, Predicted and Understanding of Summer Monsoon | University of Pune | Rajamani, S. | Feb. 1996 |
36. | T-65 | Pranesha, T.N. | Laboratory Simulation of Scavenging of Micron-Sized Aerosol Particles by Large Water Drops | University of Pune | Kamra, A.K. | 1996 |
35. | T-62 | Soman, M.K. | Studies on some Aspects of the Rainfall and Upper-Air Features Associated with the Indian Summer Monsoon | University of Pune | Ananthakrishnan, R. | April 1995 |
34. | T-59 | Singh, Nityanand | Variability of Moisture and Thermal Fields over India | Banaras Hindu University | Pant, G.B. | 1994 |
33. | T-57 | Singh, K. K. | Principal Modes of Meteorological Fields over Monsoon Region and Their Prediction | University of Pune | Singh, S.V. | 1993 |
32. | T-56 | Dhanorkar, S. S. | Characteristics of Atmospheric Ions Close to Ground | University of Pune | Kamra, A.K. | 1992 |
31. | T-54 | Bose, S. | On Studies of Atmospheric Nitrogen Dioxide and Ozone Using Visible Spectrometer | University of Pune | Jadhav, D.B. | July 1993 |
30. | T-53 | Manohar, G.K. | Some Studies of Surface Atmospheric Electricity Parameters in Different Environments over Indian Region | University of Pune | Jadhav, D.B. | June 1993 |
29. | T-47 | Prasad, K.D. | Large-Scale Features and Long-Range Prediction of the Indian Summer Monsoon | University of Pune | Singh, S.V. | 1992 |
28. | T-46 | Kriplani, R.H. | Intra- Seasonal Fluctuations of Monsoon Circulation and Rainfall and Their Prediction | University of Pune | Singh, S.V. | 1992 |
27. | T-40 | Kulkarni, A.K. | Analysis of Indian Rainfall from Hydrometeorological Considerations | University of Pune | Dhar, O.N. | 1991 |
26. | T-38 | Sikka, P. | Solar and Lunar Influence on Atmospheric Electric Field | University of Pune | Murty, A.S.R. | 1991 |
25. | T-36 | Rajagopal, E.N. | Regional Model for Monsoon Prediction-Sensitivity Studies | University of Pune | Singh, S.S. | 1991 |
24. | T-30 | Indira, K. | Some Aspects of Dynamics of Middle Atmosphere and Monsoon Variability | University of Pune | Mukharji, B.K. | 1989 |
23. | T-28 | Rakhecha, P.R. | Some Hydrometeorological Studies of the Indian Rainfall | University of Pune | Dhar, O.N. | 1986 |
22. | T-27 | Ahire, D.V. | Behavior of Charged and Uncharged Water Drops Under Different Electrical Stresses | University of Pune | Kamra, A.K. | 1986 |
21. | T-24 | Parasnis, S.S. | Some Studies on Atmospheric Boundary Layer | University of Pune | Ramana Murty, Bh.V. | 1985 |
20. | T-23 | Khemani, L.T. | Characteristics of Atmospheric Gaseous and Particulate Pollutants and their Influence on Cloud Microphysics and Rain-Formation | University of Pune | Ramana Murty, Bh.V. | 1985 |
19. | T-22 | Bavadekar, S.N. | Some Aspects of Large-Scale Atmospheric Motion with Special Reference to Typical Indian Orography | University of Pune | Mooley, D.A. | 1984 |
18. | T-21 | Pathan, J.M. | Studies on the Rainfall of India | University of Pune | Ananthakrishnan,R. | 1984 |
17. | T-20 | Parthasarathy, B. | Some Aspects of Large-Scale Fluctuations in the Summer Monsoon Rainfall over India During 1871-1978 | University of Pune | Mooley, D.A, | 1984 |
16. | T-19 | Bhalme, H.N. | Study of Droughts/Floods in Relation to Atmospheric Circulation | University of Pune | Mooley, D.A. | 1984 |
15. | T-18 | Salvekar, P.S. | On the Development of Monsoon Disturbances Through Baroclinic Instability and other Physical Processes | University of Pune | Ananthakrishnan,R. | 1984 |
14. | T-16 | Singh, S.V. | Prediction of Summer Monsoon Circulation and Rainfall over India | University of Pune | Mooley, D.A. | 1983 |
13. | T-15 | Mishra, S. K. | Dynamics of the Upper Tropospheric Disturbances of the Tropical Easterly Jet | University of Pune | Ananthakrishnan,R. | 1982 |
12. | T-14 | Mukherjee, B.K. | High-Level Warming’s over the Tropics and Some Related Aspects of the Middle Atmosphere | University of Pune | Ramana Murty, Bh.V. | 1981 |
11.. | T-12 | Reddy, R.S. | Investigations of Singularities and Periodicities in Rainfall of Tamil Nadu, South India and their Association with some Solar Terrestrial Phenomena | University of Pune | Ramana Murty, Bh.V. | 1980 |
10. | T-11 | Awade, S.T. | Some Features of the Large-scale Circulation During Indian Southwest Monsoon | University of Pune | Asnani, G.C. | 1979 |
9. | T-10 | Rajamani, S. | Some Energy Aspects of the Indian Southwest Monsoon | University of Pune | Ramana Murty, Bh.V. | 1978 |
8. | T-9 | Krishna, K. | Studies of the Turbulent Exchange Between the Atmospheric Boundary Layer and the Underlying Surface | University of Pune | 1977 | |
7. | T-8 | Bedi, H.S. | Some Aspects of Planetary-Scale Atmospheric Circulation | University of Pune | Shah, K.R. | 1976 |
6. | T-7 | Misra, B.M. | Investigations on the five day period Global Pressure Oscillation | University of Pune | Ananthkrishnan, R. | 1974 |
5. | T-5 | Shukla, J. | Some Studies in Numerical Weather Prediction | Banaras Hindu University | Saha, K.R. | 1971 |
4. | T-4 | Mooley, D.A. | Some Aspects of South-east Asian Summer Monsoon Rainfall | University of Pune | Saha, K.R. | 1971 |
3. | T-3 | Daggupaty, S. | On the Instability of Tropical Zonal Currents | University of Pune | Pisharoty, P.R. | 1967 |
2. | T-2 | Keshavamurty, R.N. | On the Maintenance of the Mean Indian South-west Monsoon Circulation and the Structure and Energetics of Monsoon Disturbances | University of Mysore | Ananthakrishnan R. | 1971 |
1. | T-1 | Ramchandran, S. | Transient Response of Anemometers | University of Pune | Pisharoty, P.R. | 1966 |
(The data is compiled by Mrs. Rohini Ovhal, LIP Division, for any query pl. contact Mrs. Ovhal)