During past decade India has experienced major changes in weather and climate system. Monsoon prediction is major
task which involves not only forecasting of total seasonal rainfall but most important is prediction of active and
break cycles. To be more specific we need to know the duration and spatial extent of active and break cycle of
weather phenomena. The most deadly weather events like severe thunderstorms, cyclones, flash floods, snow avalanches
etc are most difficult to forecast. To understand the science behind such systems there is need to understand
tropical meteorology in different space and time scale. For this purpose Training Program for Manpower Development
is considered as major task in the 11th Plan of the Institute.
Selection of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) at the IITM-Reg.
Categories of students:
There are five Categories of students/research persons working in IITM other than the regular employees as shown below :
1. Ph.D. Students:
(a) IITM Research Fellows
(b) CSIR/UGC/INSPIRE Research Fellows
2. M.Tech.Students:
(a) M.Tech. (Atmospheric Physics), University of Pune for class room Training and Projects
(b) M.Tech. (Atmospheric Science), other Universities for Projects
3. Graduate & Post graduate students of Science, Engineering etc.
4. (a) Post- Doctoral Fellows or Research Associates (RA/NPDF)
(b) Personnel recruited under the Sponsored Projects (DST, DOD etc.)
5. Employees other than IITM doing research under the guidance of IITM scientists
Air India Research Fellows two nos. at a time
IITM RF initially 2 then increased upto 4. At present IITM RF number increased upto 30 CSIR RF also do their
research work in IITM
Participation in various national teaching programme in following Indian Universities:
M.Sc. &M.Tech. : Pune University, Cochin University, Andhra University, S.V.
IITM took initiative to start Atmospheric Physics & Atmospheric Dynamics as optional courses for M.Sc. (Phys.
& Maths) in various southwestern universities like Bangalore University, Mangalore University, Dharwad
University, Goa University etc.
1999 :
MoU bet. IITM & University of Pune :
Many students from all over India do their project work (6 months to 2 years) for partial fulfillment of
degrees like M.Sc., M.Sc.(Tech), M.Phil, M.Tech, B.E.
January 2005:
1st National Symposium in Atmospheric Science, Climate Change and Environmental Studies. arranged in IITM
Exclusively for Students
As per requirement periodic training programmes are arranged on various fundamental & advanced topics for
students & young scientists
PhD Admissions process through IITM
Atmospheric Science:
Environmental Science:
Contact Us
For more information please contact:
Dr. Vinu Valsala, Scientist E, Co-ordinator, Academic Cell
Contact No: 020-25904514
Email: valsala@tropmet.res.in