National Training Workshop on Weather Radar: Theory, Calibration, Maintenance, Data analysis and Applications (NT-Radar) from 07 to 10 April 2025


National Training Workshop on Weather Radar: Theory, Calibration, Maintenance, Data analysis and Applications (NT-Radar) from 07 to 10 April 2025.

Date- 07 to 10 April 2025

Venue- IITM Pune

Application link-

Application Closing Date- 20th March 2025.

Scope of workshop-

The main objective of the workshop is to discuss various topics related to weather radar such as the radar theory, operations, calibration, maintenance, data analysis techniques, rainfall nowcasting using AI/ML and use of radar data for evaluation of NWP models. The following tentative themes are to be covered in the workshop:

(i) Fundamentals of Doppler weather radars.

(ii) Operational, maintenance and calibration aspects of weather radars

(iii) Software/packages (Python, etc.) for radar data analysis

(iv) Quantitative Precipitation Estimation

(v) Application of AI and deep learning in weather radar

(vi) Observing microphysical processes using dual-polarization radar

(vii) Radar and NWP model inter-comparison

(viii) Basic Radar Data Assimilation


Oraganized By DESK, MoES, IITM Pune