IITM has celebrated International Yoga Day on 21st June 2018 at its campus at Pashan Pune. On this occasion, Yoga expert Dr. Pranav Khawale and his team from National Institute of Naturopathy Pune, Ministry of Ayush, Govt. of India, visited IITM and conducted a Yoga session.
Prof. Ravi. S Nanjundiah, Director IITM, along with IITM employees and their families attended this session. Various Yoga activities were performed during the session. As designed by the Ministry of Ayush, Govt. of India, Yoga protocol was practiced by including Prayer, performing Asanas, Pranayama and Mudra. Dr Khawale introduced the participants about Yoga and its History. He emphasized on the importance of Yoga in maintaining mental & physical well being in day- to-day lifestyle. IITM employees learned the asanas and discussed with the Expert about their common health issues. Director IITM addressed the gathering and narrated his experience by adopting Yoga in his daily life. He encouraged the employees to practice yoga to deal with stress, anxiety, etc. The event was conducted by the IITM Recreation Club.